The Omaha Police Department is under the leadership of Chief Todd Schmaderer. It consists of five precincts and more than 70 patrol districts. The OPD employs nearly 900 sworn officers along with over 130 non-sworn personnel.

Chief Todd Schmaderer
Courtesy of OPD

Precinct and Patrol Map
Courtesy of OPD
Northwest Precinct
10245 Wiesman Drive
Southeast Precinct
2475 Deer Park Blvd
West Precinct
20924 Cumberland Drive
Northeast Precinct
4316 N 30th Street
Southwest Precinct
5111 S 135th Street
OPD Headquarters
505 S 15th Street
Important Numbers
Active crimes should be reported to: 911 (Do not DM us unless you've reported it)
When a crime has already occurred and you don't need immediate help:
Telephone Report Squad (TRS): 402-444-4822
Drug Activity: 402-444-5681
Non-Emergency: 402-444-5600
Crime Stoppers: 402-444-7867
Mayor's Hotline: 402-444-5555
Traffic Calming Program: 402-444-5160
Animal Control: 402-444-7800​​​
The Omaha Police Department has implemented encryption for their radio communications while offering publicly accessible feeds on broadcastify.com. It important to note that there is a delay of 15 to 17 minutes for these feeds. Below is a list of valuable information for individuals listening to the scanners.

10 Codes
Omaha Police Department uses 10 codes to describe an officers current status.
Officers can be:
10-7: Out of Service or not available for calls
10-8: In Service or not available for calls
8-0 (Eight-Zero): Taking Lunch/Dinner or a break

Clearing The Air
When the "air is cleared for emergency traffic only," it signifies that officers have identified a high-risk situation and need uninterrupted communication with dispatch. All other communications are suspended, and a beeping tone is activated. Once the situation is resolved, officers inform dispatch that normal air can resume. The beeping tone ceases.

Unit Types
ABLE-1: Airborne Law Enforcement
Adam: One Officer District Car
Alpha: Auto Theft Detective
Baker: Two Officer District Car
Beat: One or Two Officers Beat Patrol Car
Patrol High Crime Areas​
Bravo: Burglary Detective
Charles: Crime Lab
Delta: Gang Unit
Edward: Emergency Response Team
Bomb Squad
Frank: Crisis Response Co-Responders. All are non-sworn trained mental health therapists.
George: OPD Detective
Henry: Homicide Detective
Ida: Intelligence/Vice Detective
John: Headquarters Front Desk
King: K-9 Officer
Mounted: Horse Officers
Nora: Narcotics Detective
Ocean: School Resource Officer (SRO)
Paul: Proactive Street Patrol
Generally does not respond to radio calls
Precinct: Precinct Captain
Robert: Robbery Detective
Solo: Motorcycle Patrol Officer
Tom: Traffic Enforcement and Investigators
Union: Internal Affairs
Zebra: Off-Duty Officer​

Disposition Codes
Given after an officer tells dispatch they are 10-8.
Code 1: Made a Report
Code 2: Made an Arrest
Code 3: Issued a Citation
Code 4: Gone Upon Arrival
Code 5: Unable to Locate
Code 6: Civil Matter
Code 7: Assignment Complete
Code 8: Turned over
Code 9: Cancelled

Help An Officer
This is a mayday call for immediate assistance for an officer, on or off duty. A citywide warble tone will sound, followed by "Help An Officer - 'Location'." On-duty officers must stop their tasks and respond to the address with and sirens.

Call Signs
When officers communicate with dispatch, they generally provide a three part identification. The first part indicates shift, the second part indicates unit type and for patrol officers, the third type indicates what district the are working.
1 = A Shift
2 = B Shift
3 = C Shift
5= Other
Adam = Unit Type (See Unit Types)
25 = District

Signal 88
Signal 88, or 88, means an officer has determined the situation is safe. Dispatchers routinely check on officers to confirm they are 88, indicating everything is under control.

Signal Codes
Signal 1: No Record Found
Signal 1A: Traffic Only Record
Signal 1B: Misdemeanor Only Record
Signal 1C: Traffic and Misdemeanor Record
Signal 2: Has Felony Criminal Record; Not Wanted
Signal 2C: Convicted Felon; Not Wanted
Signal 3: Misdemeanor Warrant on Filee (Traffic or Criminal)
Signal 4: License Suspended
Signal 5: Stolen
Signal 6: Wanted For Felony and/or Felony Warrant on File
Signal 7: Failed to Appear
Signal 8: Prepare F.I. Card (Field Investigation)
Signal 9: Bomb Threat Assingment
Signal 10: Gun Registration Permit
Signal 46: Lifetime Suspension of Driving privileges
Signal 66: Suspected Gang Member
Signal 88: Situation Secure
Signal 10-10: In the area in service or out of car on portable radio
Signal X: Consider Extremely Dangerous

Lights On The Tower
Each night, an officer is asked to check lights on the police radio towers to ensure that aircraft warning lights are working. They relay this information back to dispatch. there are several towers and sometimes it may be reported as three lights or four lights on the tower.