Omaha Fire Department

The Omaha Fire Department (OFD) is made up of 24 fire stations overseen by 7 battalion chiefs. OFD has 24 engine companies, 9 truck companies, 18 ALS (advanced life support) ambulances, 2 heavy rescue/hazmat, and 2 water tenders. OFD also has several various support apparatus such as SCBA air bottle truck (LA30), rescue boats, jet skis, mobile command post, etc.

OFD Transport Codes
Code 1
"Fair Condition"
Minimal injury/disease
patient transported for exam
Code 3 STEMI
"Critical Condition"
Patient has been identified as having ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI alert). STEMI patients will be transported with lights and sirens to a hospital with cardiac catheterization lab capabilities.
Code 99 TCC
Cardiopulmonary arrest with resuscitation in progress from traumatic injuries.
*Lights and Sirens*
Code 2
"Serious Condition"
Obvious injury but not a serious injury; needs medical attention
Code 3 TCC
TCC = "Trauma Center Candidate"
Patient has actual or potential life threatening injuries
*Lights and Sirens*
Code 4
Patient is deceased
Code 2 TCC
TCC = "Trauma Center Candidate"
Patient has obvious trauma but isn't life threatening; enough signs, symptoms or mechanism of injury (MOI) to warrant a trauma center
Code 3 Stroke
"Critical Condition"
Patient has been identified as having a stroke (stroke alert). All stroke patients will be transported with lights and sirens to a hospital with stroke care capabilities.
Code 5
Used for "Sudden Infant Death" but to transport the patient for the family. Has been used when language barriers exist.
*Lights and Sirens*
Code 3
"Critical Condition"
Serious and/or life threatening injury/illness; needs immediate medical attention.
*Lights and Sirens*
Code 99
Cardiopulmonary arrest with resuscitation in progress.
*Lights and Sirens*